Finance & Property News

 10 June 2020 |

Monthly Offerings

Envelopes                                 £0              
Cash                                      £110               
Bank transfers                  £1,153           
Donations                             £500                           
Total                                   £1,763        

The reduction in our income is ongoing but thanks to all of those who contribute via Standing Order payments. If you would like to change from donating either in cash or envelope, please contact me by phone 01737 768319 or 07598 255482 or email for a Standing Order Form    
If you wish to make an offering direct from your bank please use the following information

Sort Code: 09-01-51
Account: Redhill URC
Account no: 66509302
Cheques can be sent to me either addressed to the church or my home address

Building Work
We have made use of the time the church is not in use to have work done to repair faults with areas of the roof and continue with re-establishing our lawned areas.

Support for Others
We have had no rental income from users of our premises since the church buildings were closed although we have received voluntary donations from some of them amounting to £345.00. This money has been sent to Renewed Hope Trust now based in the former chapel in Shrewsbury Road to support their activities to help those unable to provide for themselves

Social Media-Reminder
In these difficult times you can access information relating to events and other activities that are going on within our church as well as the URC nationally via our Facebook page (Redhill United Reformed Church) and or the Church Website. If you have access to the internet don’t forget you can also sign up to keeping in touch with the church by email

Covid-19 Fraud & Scams
Sadly, there are unscrupulous people and organisations that will use the current situation to either obtain your personal details, access your banking details or just steal property. Never give personal information in response to telephone calls or email unless you are absolutely certain that they are who they claim to be. It is highly unlikely that anyone will call at your home in person without an official form of identification. If in doubt check with the organisation they claim to represent. 

Finally, a hope!!
Keep well, stay safe and it will get back to what we used to call normal

John Sinclair Church Treasurer