Can you see me now?

 6 February 2021 |

Zoom is Church as we now know it. It has become normal for Sunday services to be livestreamed through either YouTube or live and inclusive on Zoom. As most of the church’s buildings are closed congregations are being asked by their ministers to tune in through invitations and websites to worship in a form only a year ago was very unusual. For some in the congregations it is foreign territory and lots feel so uncomfortable that they refuse or can’t worship this way. But for those with the skill and awareness, it is becoming what we do! Yes, there are negatives: we miss meeting up with others and giving them a friendly hug or handshake. We miss the opportunity to sing out with others even if our voices creak and croak the hymns. We miss gathering in one place to praise the Lord together.

But there are positives. We no longer have to travel great distances to attend meetings – a welcome release from long journeys, saving time and the environment. For those with child care issues a chance to worship at home. For those unable to come out, because of age or disability or having to work, a welcome opportunity to share with others in worship at times to suit.

The churches are realising too that it is much more possible to open up and engage with congregations in a more direct fashion, to interact and invite others to be part of worship. It is strange we know, but I welcome the opportunity to invite people who used to be part of the congregation but have moved away or even gone abroad. I know from my own experience how easily it is to join services in churches across the world and see how they do it!

Post lockdown, I hope we will be able to return to our buildings and sing again with gusto but I also want the churchto reach out to a new world through the internet, sending the message of God’s good news to a broad and searching world.