Christmas And A Goddard Tradition

 1 March 2021 |

Sending good wishes and hoping everyone is keeping well. I have decided to take up Beatties idea of  sharing a special memory of Christmas and a Goddard Tradition.

Despite everything that is going on in the world, 2020 turned out to be a very special Christmas for myself and Kev. 
On December the 19 th we ventured to North Wales to stay with my brother and his family who have now relocated to Wales from sunny Dubai. Whilst waiting to move into their new home they were renting a bungalow on a farm in Higher Kinnerton. Coincidentally our youngest daughter Lucie and partner Sean live only a few miles away from my brothers rental prpoperty. We intended on staying for a long weekend returning  to celebrate Christmas with both daughters and partners at our place in Horley. However after a lovely visit to nearby Chester, a place we know well, my brother got an email saying that Wales and England were going into lockdown. If we went back that evening  after just arriving we were facing Christmas day on our own. It didnt take much to persuade us to stay! So our long weekend turned into a wonderful 8 day vacation on a lovely farm where Reggie our little dog got to meet sheep and a friendly pony.

We enjoyed walks in the local countryside, had lots of laughs aswell as good food and wine. Kev usually moans about how much I pack for any holiday but this time he was very grateful ! The bonus to our Christmas was that Lucie and Sean came over on Christmas Day. Also my sister in law ,who originates from the Phillippines, cooked some tasty traditional dishes to go with the traditional turkey roast. We all spoke to our eldest daughter Alex and her partner Nick on FaceTime.

It has been over 20 years since my brother and I have been together on Christmas Day so that was really special. We had to travel back to Surrey on Boxing Day due to Kevs work and we went back to a freezer full of food. I have promised to save the turkey until we all meet again for a summer Christmas. Also the presents remain wrapped in storage until that day as of course we only took presents for my brothers family. As for the Goddard Tradition that can wait too. When my mother was alive she started the tradition of  decorating the dining table with table presents or as we call them fun, gimmicky suprises and I have continued with this tradition.The table presents are opened after Christmas dinner and every guest has one. It has become the thing that everyone in the family asks about and look forward to. Once I suggested we cut back on these gifts and was sternly told ‘NO’  These  table presents are the highlight of the day  and usually cause us to have a good laugh.  I believe the royal family do something similar! My mother was a real Royalist so perhaps she got the idea from them!

In a  very strange way LOCKDOWN seemed to do us a good turn and helped  us to meet up with most of our closest family. Best Christmas Ever.

love Julia 

The  Christmas tree is made from recyled plastic bottles. Outside the Cathedralis a magnificent star. Last year there was an image of an Angel made up of real knieves which had been seized by the police. There was a campaign to stop knife crime.