Reflections on Easter Sunday

 1 May 2021 |

The following are reflections on our first Service in church after 4 months being on Zoom or YouTube on Sunday mornings.

  • The joy of entering the building after so long and seeing happy faces again – even though we were all masked up.
  • Martin’s warm welcome to us all and having a “full” church albeit there were only 30 or so of us due to the restrictions – but nearly every pew that could be used was used.
  • The display of fresh spring flowers by the communion table, reminding us that spring has arrived.
  • The technical wizardry shown by David Fisher and Peter Salisbury in sorting out the live streaming by Zoom to Moat URC and anyone not able to attend in person.
  • The readings from Isaiah 25:6-9 and Acts 10:34-43 telling us of a different aspect of the Easter story, read to us by Fiona Fisher.
  • Martin’s message based on the above readings about the true meaning of Easter and how “all who believe in him will have their sins forgiven through the power of his name.” Acts 10:43.
  • The taking of Communion with our own bread and wine/juice, giving us a time of reflection on the message of Easter; the last supper, the death on the cross and the resurrection on the third day.
  • The joy of hearing Joan on the organ playing the traditional Easter hymns – Christ the Lord is risen today and Thine be the glory – and our desire to sing with gusto! But perhaps just humming the tune inside our masks instead!
  • Lastly at the end of the Service, being able to talk to our friends, many not seen for over 4 months – outside the building in the fresh air – socially distanced of course in the spring sunshine.

So thanks to everyone who made the Service possible. Let’s hope it’s not too long before we can do it again in the not too distant future, dependant of course on the easing of restrictions.

Keith Ramsay