Church Family News

 1 June 2021 |

Hello Everyone

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the brighter weather.

Firstly congratulations to:
Margaret Hick who a couple of months ago became a Great Great Grandmother again
Bill and Ann Potter became Grandparents in April. Their son Will and daughter in law Charlene had a little boy, Freddie William Louis

Sadly I have to advise you of the death of Brian Gibbs on 4 May. Brian had not been well recently and had had a spell in hospital. Please remember Rita and the family in your prayers.

Several people have recently been indisposed. Margaret Bates had a fall and is suffering from back and shoulder pain.
Yvonne Sinclair has had a cataract removed from each eye and says she now sees much better.
Lorna Jenkins has had surgery on her leg.
Jill Pipe has also had problems with her leg but has now recovered.
Godfrey Nicholls is currently in East Surrey Hospital.

We wish them and anyone else suffering at this time all the best for a speedy recovery.

Take care and I hope to see you all before too long in Church

Eileen Brown

Since this was published, it was with sadness we heard in the service on Sunday 6 June that Godfrey Nichols had died that morning. Godfrey was for many years a stalwart first of Christ Church and then the combined Redhill URC. As his health declined we saw less of him until he became housebound but he remained very much part of our church family and will be greatly missed. 

Our love and prayers are with Beatie and all her family. 

The funeral will be on July 2 and details will follow as will memories of Godfrey.