Magazine Production

 1 June 2021 |

About this time of year we include an envelope for you to put a contribution towards the cost of producing the magazine, if you wish. Printed copies have an envelope but there is a supply in the vestibule for those who receive the electronic version if you wish to contribute.

Each article for each edition of the magazine is sent to the Editor, Jill Pipe either on paper or electronically. She together with her son Dan then edit it so that it fits in place to make everything fit together page by page. It is then passed to Peter Salisbury who prints it and delivers it through your letterbox or to the post office.

Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic Dan has kindly produced an electronic version of the magazine for those who have requested one. In addition he sends out weekly invitations for the Zoom services and to the Monday Prayer group.

So thank you to all those who give their time freely each month. Thanks also to those who have contributed to the magazine content.

Prior to the Pandemic Keith Ramsay collated the magazine with the help of Margaret Hick and Adrian Chase and Vic Larman posted out the magazines to those who live away. We thank them all for their help and support over the years.

You will have noticed over the past months that the magazine has become thinner. Please send anything you think of interest to the church family to the Editor. The magazine is our magazine, not just for the Minister and Elders to disseminate information.

Produced for the Editor