Church Family News

 27 June 2021 |

It is with great sadness we heard of the death of our friend Godfrey Nicholls on 6 June.

He was a stalwart of the church both at Christ Church and Redhill URC spending many hours doing various jobs around the buildings. He was always cheerful and had a great sense of humour. I can still see him sitting in the back corner of the church looking after the sound system during the services .He will be missed by so many people. Godfrey’s funeral is to be held at 12.45 on Friday 2nd July at Redhill URC.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Beatie, Bernice, Angela and all the family at this time.

On a more cheerful note Joan and John Hoad celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 3 June. Congratulations.

I have just heard that Mary Miles is in hospital. . We wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will be home soon.

Take care everyone.

Eileen Brown