Return to Walton on the Hill

 27 June 2021 |

You may recall from a previous article that I led worship at Christchurch, Walton on the Hill in March. I returned at the end of May and led a worship service based on our understanding of the concept of the Trinity. If I had any sense, I would have avoided the topic as do many preachers as they regard it as a difficult almost impossible subject. I used as examples three-in-one oil, the shamrock and an egg as typical explanations of the concept of something that had 3 aspects and yet was one. Having set the scene I then moved to say that these ideas do not apply to our God as three persons in one. I had found a pictorial depiction as below of the Trinity that helped me and hopefully the congregation to have some insight into the concept.

It was lovely being back at this church and I thank Janet Holah for organising the service, for Allison Gordon for her piano playing and for the ladies who provided after service refreshments, I never realised tea could taste so nice!!

John Sinclair