Note of Thanks

 1 September 2021 |

I am sorry that this is rather late but I must write and thank everyone who sent such lovely cards and heartwarming messages of your memories you had of Godfrey and the rest of the family join with me to. We were fortunate to be able to have more friends at the funeral as the covid rules had been relaxed a bit and it was lovely to see so many of you present. Thank you for coming. Just a pity that masks did not allow for chatting afterwards except for those who joined us in our garden later for refreshments. Fortunately for us the sun shone which was really very good.

Thank you Martin for taking the service and making it an uplifting one.

I also want to thank those who were willing to take part and keeping the mood less sombre. namely Benedict, Isabelle and Stephen (Grandchildren and Nephew) and last but not least to David Pipe who was will ing to make the long journey from home to be with us and to play the organ for us , to this we give our sincere thanks.

On a much more personal note I would like to say that I cannot believe that we had 65 years together as the time has flown by and I feel truly blessed.

We do hope everyone is fit and well, God Bless you all.
