Letter from Synod Treasurer

 1 March 2022 |

21st February 2022

Dear Minister, Church Secretary and Treasurer,

Please take note of the following items and bring them to the attention of both your Elders / Trustees and Church Meetings.
Ministry and Mission Contributions

On behalf of the United Reformed Church, I thank each church within Southern Synod for their efforts in contributing to the M&M Fund in 2021. It was a difficult year for all of us. Thanks to your church’s efforts Southern Synod was able to meet its’ M&M commitment to the URC enabling the URC to meet its obligations to ministers, staff, and its’ mission to Christs’ wider church.

Churches M&M commitments for 2022 have been very encouraging. The Synod Office appreciates that this year may be even more difficult for some churches due to the long periods of enforced closure in 2021. We ask that should you begin to experience difficulty in meeting your 2022 commitment please do not hesitate in contacting your Area Synod Treasurer or Catherine Kingdom at the Synod Office. It is important that any problems are advised as soon as possible in order that a solution may be found.

My 29 September 2020 letter
In my letter of 29 September 2020, I advised that we had funding available through the Synod Finance Office to assist churches in enabling them to provide on-line and recorded Sunday services and to communicate virtually with their congregations. It appears that some churches still believe that they should approach the Synod Office for this funding. The responsibility to administer this funding shifted to the Strategic Mission Panel some time ago. My apologies if this has not been made sufficiently clear. Should you wish to seek funding to assist with these projects please contact the panel through Martin Hayward, Mission Development Officer, prior to carrying out any work.

Church Governance Roadshows
Catherine and I hope to restart these roadshows in the first quarter of 2022. Your Area Synod Treasurer will contact you when we have set up a date with your area.

Vey best regards,

John Denison, Synod Treasurer