Eco Church & A Rocha UK

 1 August 2021 |

“We are here to look after this world — the world is not here for our benefit”
“A world in balance and at peace”

You may or may not have heard of Eco Church, which is a project, run by A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchurches Trust Limited (owners of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group). Who are they you may well be thinking? Their aim is to provide churches with the tools to support working towards achieving the aims of the two quotes. Eco church has been running for more than 5 years and it is possible to achieve one of 3 award levels, you may have heard that Marsh Green Church has already achieved “Gold” status.

But what do A Rocha say about themselves, “it was founded twenty years ago as a local Christian conservation project in a deprived and multi-ethnic area of Southall, west London. That work goes on, based at our Wolf Fields reserve. But who would have dreamed that A Rocha UK would now be leading a fast-growing network of Christian organisations committed to managing their land for nature, with Partners in Action in all four UK nations? Or that we would be facilitating an Eco Church movement of more than 3,100 local churches in England and Wales, learning how to care for creation in all they do. Or that we would be hosting an ‘online community’ – the phrase hadn’t even been invented 20 years ago – of ‘Wild Christians’ caring for nature. Of course, there have been hard times and setbacks too. But we are amazed at where God has led, and often carried, us”.

There are very close links with the green agenda and a particular focus on the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 Nov 2021. The planet that God has provided for us is in danger and as well as action by governments and industry it is possible for us to ensure that we do our bit as individuals as well as members of the church.

In the autumn we have tentative plans for a Climate Change Sunday of which more details will follow. We have registered our church as a part of the ECO project, and we will be focussing on a process of self-assessment before developing our plans for change. More information will follow in the coming weeks but if you want to have a look at either the Eco Church or A Rocha websites follow these links:-

Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project

A Rocha UK – Caring for God’s Earth

NB: A Rocha = an international network of environmental organisations with a Christian ethos. A Rocha means “the rock” in Portuguese and was originally founded in Portugal in 1983.

John Sinclair