Christmas Mini Market Update

 1 October 2021 |

Saturday 27th November – 10.30 til 14.00

We are now well underway with the preparations for our Christmas Mini Market and we are trying to keep things smaller as this is inside and we are aware that we are not fully over this pandemic. In the vestibule at the back of the church the boxes are there for your donations.

Jams And Preserves: Joan Hoad and Eileen Brown

Good quality unwanted gifts, toys etc. (No electrical items please).

Toiletries: Gift sets, soaps, shower gels etc

Chocolates: Small individual bars or multi-packs smaller boxes ie chocolate oranges, maltesers etc no large tins please; anything christmassy.

Bottle Stall: This year we have decided not to run a bottle stall, although some bottles of wine etc would be appreciated for the raffle.

Cakes: Please could you let me know if you are able to make a cake, biscuits etc. please

Wanted: Gift bags, volunteers for running stalls, on the entrance door, serving refreshments, and handing out fliers for advertising.

Setting Up: This will be on the Friday afternoon/evening so if you are able to lend a hand to put up decorations and set up stalls that would be much appreciated.

Any questions please come and speak to either Julia or me.
