Leprosy Mission

 1 December 2021 |

Following the recent service we sent a donation amounting to £84.80 to support the work of the mission. We have received the following response:-

You’re welcoming in people affected by leprosy when others have firmly shut the door. You have made room people like Maya in your heart. I think you’re amazing!

I’m reminded of the gifts the wise men bought for Jesus. But instead of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, you’re giving your incredible gifts of kindness, love and compassion.

Your loving donation of £84.80 is providing hospital beds for people suffering from the effects of leprosy in India. You’ve given them a place where they can finally get the surgery and wound care they so desperately need. A place to rest and recover. A place to heal from both physical and emotional trauma. A place where they are cared for, unconditionally.

Without you, they would be turned away. You have brought healing and hope – thank you!

With blessings for a wonderful Christmas and New Year,

Peter Waddup

P.S. Thank you for standing by people living with the effects of leprosy. Your compassion and love give them the strength to keep going.