Author Archive

  •  1 August 2021 |

    On behalf of the Finance & Property Team I am pleased to be able to tell everyone that the recent Asbestos Survey and air test samples were all negative. This indicates that it is very unlikely that there is any asbestos within the overall church buildings

    John Sinclair

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    As you will recall paper copies of the church magazine have included an envelope for readers to contribute towards the production costs. Normally these are either placed in with the offering at church services. Vic Larman has previously received contributions from people who had their magazine sent to them by post. Can I ask that in futu […]

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    “We are here to look after this world — the world is not here for our benefit”“A world in balance and at peace”

    You may or may not have heard of Eco Church, which is a project, run by A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchu […]

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    In the June issue I referred to items covering Pentecost in 1988 about the formation of Redhill URC. Among those were articles from the 26th May 1988 edition of the Surrey Mirror which included histories of the formation of both Chapel Road and Shaw’s Corner churches. We already have a History of the Shaw’s Corner Church written by o […]

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    As I write today, parts of the USA and Canada are experiencing a terrific and terrifying heatwave. Temperatures close to 50C have been experienced in what people are saying is unbearable heat, not to mention the fires and the damage this weather has done to the fruit and vegetable harvests. Usually that part of the world gets high temper […]