Author Archive

  •  24 July 2021 |

    I chose to become a minister of religion, not a policeman. But in the days of Covid, I feel sometimes that is what I have become: a policeman! Trying to keep people safe – and everyone wants the church building to be a place of safety, don’t they? – has become a difficult and lonely role. During the second world war, everyone was r […]

  •  17 July 2021 |

    That sporting festival known as the Olympic Games is due to start in the coming week. After a year’s delay, the sportsmen and women are gathering in Tokyo to prepare to amaze and thrill us all in displays of winning and losing, of highs and lows, of intimacy and spectacle, but in empty stadiums and arenas, the only audience&n […]

  •  10 July 2021 |

    With Wimbledon and Euro 2020 climaxing this weekend, and after eighteen months of restrictions, there is a taste of freedom and celebration in the air. Crowds are beginning to gather and, for some, an opportunity to get together with friends and family for the first time in many months. For others, they are fearful an […]

  •  3 July 2021 |

    Strawberries and cream can often signify Wimbledon fortnight and the beginning of summer. A time to unwind, enjoy the warmer weather and make the most of the light evenings. This year, the 19th July is developing a special relevance as people from around the UK start to plan life again as we always knew it. But will it be the s […]

  •  27 June 2021 |

    Please pray for the congregations at Redhill and East Grinstead. We remember and pray for those struggling at present with loneliness, illness and bereavement. We pray especially for Beattie and Rita, and both families, as they come to terms with the loss of Godfrey and Brian. Godfrey’s funeral is to be held at 12.45 on Friday 2nd July […]