We were delighted and so proud that our daughter Lucie Goddard has been selected to represent North Wales in a 10 k roadside run in June. Wishing her lots of luck. Preparing not only for the big race in June but also their forthcoming wedding on August 26th
Julia Goddard
Lucie pictured with fiancé Sean
Some years ago, Moat was linked with Horsham and Crawley URCs in what Southern Synod call a cluster. This broke down before I arrived at Moat but in other areas the idea lived on with churches participating in a range of ‘cluster’ activities. At Redhill, the church is linked in to the North Downs Cluster and at my first meeting, the […]
When I had learned how much the Venturers were able to send to the Margate Lifeboat I was so thrilled truly thrilled. So my thanks to everyone who contributed towards this sum, my very sincere thanks.
Having just received the latest Lifeboat Magazine, they will certainly be able to every penny received to a good purpose. More news […]
Each Easter there seem to be conversations which throw new lights on the Easter story. Children can be a rich source of questions.
My brother told me of a recent chat he had with his 9 year old grandson Charlie while walking round some gardens . He asked what happened at Easter. My brother explained how Jesus and his friends had a ver […]
The following are reflections on our first Service in church after 4 months being on Zoom or YouTube on Sunday mornings.
The joy of entering the building after so long and seeing happy faces again – even though we were all masked up.Martin’s warm welcome to us all and having a “full” church albeit there were only 30 or so of u […]