
  •  1 March 2021 |

    This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends…One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his b […]

  •  1 February 2021 |

    This past Christmas, I was invited to join a group of gay and bisexual men who were on their own over the festive period. There were about 30 to 35 of us, of all ages, who came along on Zoom. Most were struggling with depression or recovering from alcohol and/or drug use, a few simply lonely and one or two were logging in from a medical […]

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    What is prayer if not our deepest, and perhaps highest selves, reaching out in love and care. We pray for all who struggle and are captured in earth’s tightest grip. We pray for those doctors and nurses, hospital staff, working to make miracles of life in the face of a devastating and deadly virus. We pray that politicians may learn Ch […]

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    First, congratulations to Lorna Jenkins who celebrated her 90th birthday on 14th January.Ken Bridger has had a fall. We wish him a speedy recovery.

    Sadly I have to advise you of the death of Dotty Humphries on 13th January in hospital. She was a real character and I personally will miss visiting her. Dotty has been housebound for seve […]

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    Many of you will remember David and Nancy West who were part of our fellowship at Shaw’s Corner in the 1990s. Ken Bridger has passed on the news he received from Nancy that David died on 10th December. He had suffered from Alzheimer’s dementia for several years, had a stroke in November and tested positive for Covid whilst in hospita […]