
  •  21 October 2020 |

    We would like to thank the church family, for all your warm wishes, cards and gifts on our wedding.

    Although numbers were restricted by Covid, the sun was shining and we still had a fabulous day.

    It was lovely to see some of you outside the church following the ceremony.

    Thank you all.

    Ben & Hannah Ramsay

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    Early last month the new turf was laid outside the church.  There have been several kind comments on how it looks.  Fortunately since it was laid the weather has been rather wet which has saved us from watering it with a hose.

    At the time of writing, the areas under the notice boards are still to have a membrane laid to suppress wee […]

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    Some of the greatest preachers I have heard have been able to produce sermons of such depth from on some occasions, just one word. I marvel at their inventiveness. One phrase – a sort of throwaway – in Matthew’s gospel comes in chapter 2, verse 12: And because they received divine instructions in a dream not to return to Herod, the […]

  •  29 September 2020 |

    #pdfp6784546b46ab1 .title { font-size: 16px; }#pdfp6784546b46ab1 iframe { height: 1122px; }#pdfp6784546b46ab1 { width: 100%; }

    View Fullscreen


  •  27 September 2020 |

    In view of current restrictions it is with regret that we have decided not to do the Venturers Postbox this Christmas.
