Until further notice the church buildings are closed for all events including Sunday Worship
You can follow the URC Daily Devotions including Sunday Services on their website by clicking here
Please visit our latest news by selecting one of the menus below

Faith Development Group

Redhill URC

David Marshall-Jones will be leading the sessions and we will be studying a book by Marcus Borg called "Meeting Jesus again for the first time". You will find leaflets in the church with the details and other dates, please help … Continued

Morning Worship

Our morning Worship today will be led by John Sinclair an the Elders

Faith Development Group

Redhill URC

David Marshall-Jones will be leading the sessions and we will be studying a book by Marcus Borg called "Meeting Jesus again for the first time". You will find leaflets in the church with the details and other dates, please help … Continued

Morning Worship

The Rev'd David Marshall-Jones will today lead our morning worship.

Morning Worship

Please join us for our Morning Worship today.   The leader to be announced.

Faith Development Group

Redhill URC

David Marshall-Jones will be leading the sessions and we will be studying a book by Marcus Borg called "Meeting Jesus again for the first time". You will find leaflets in the church with the details and other dates, please help … Continued

Literary Society – Glamour in the Skies

Redhill URC

We welcome David Henderson on his first visit to the Society who will give a presentation on his life in the sky, which will be most interesting and amusing.