Until further notice the church buildings are closed for all events including Sunday Worship
You can follow the URC Daily Devotions including Sunday Services on their website by clicking here
Please visit our latest news by selecting one of the menus below

Morning Worship

Our worship this morning is being lead by Mr Ed McCoy, from Horsham

Morning Worship

The Worship today is being led by our Interim Minister, the Revd David Marshall-Jones. It will be followed by a Church Meeting  starting about 11.45am

Church Meeting

Following Morning Worship there will be a Church Meeting  which will commence about 11.45am It will be chaired by our Interim Minister, Revd David Marshall-Jones


Our March meeting is at Eileen's home when she will be showing photographs of her recent holiday(s)

Morning Worship with Holy Communion

Our Worship today is being led by our Interim Minister, the Revd David Marshall-Jones. It will include Holy Communion