Until further notice the church buildings are closed for all events including Sunday Worship
You can follow the URC Daily Devotions including Sunday Services on their website by clicking here
Please visit our latest news by selecting one of the menus below

Tree of Light Service

St Catherine’s Hospice holds a Tree of Light remembrance ceremony every year in early December at various churches in the area. This is a very important community event which provides people with an opportunity to remember those dear to them even though … Continued

Annual Gift Service

This is our annual service in aid of Welcare. The preacher is Mr Edward Pender from Redhill Methodist Church

Annual Carol Service

This is our annual carol service. This is our Elders Worship and will be led by Mrs Eileen Brown Please note that there is no morning service today

Christmas Eve Service

Our service on Christmas Eve, to welcome in the start of Christmas Day The service will include Holy Communion and will be led by our Interim Minister, Rev'd David Marshall Jones


Come and rejoice with us Jesus birth. This is a family service for everyone and will be led by our Interim Minister, Rev'd David Marshall Jones

No Morning Worship here today

There is no morning Worship at Redhill URC today.  Instead we shall be joining Reigate Park URC church for their morning Worship with Holy Communion which will be led by Mrs Sue Knight.

Morning Worship with Holy Communion

Morning Worship with holy Communion. It will include the induction and Ordination of the new Elder sand will be led by our Interim Minister, Rev'd David Marshall Jones

Literary Society – Gongoozling for Beginners

We welcome Neil Sadler to our meeting to give a light-hearted look at joys and mishaps whilst exploring England’s canals. You can be assured of an interesting and amusing talk.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship which will be led  by our Interim Minister, Rev'd David Marshall Jones