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Redhill URC

  •  30 January 2021 |

    Winter is a harsh season. The darkness and the cold, the rain and the snow. But nature is already making plans for spring and looking out my window, I see green shoots and snowdrops already. In the middle of winter, spring is on its way. 

    And in Christian terms, the road to Easter has already begun. The Bible […]

  •  23 January 2021 |

    I felt real relief this week when Joe Biden became President of the United States. Watching the four year inauguration event from the UK, something I’ve done for some years now, was also rather sobering. Lady Gaga let rip, and a young black woman, Amanda Gorman, read her poem with elegance and grace, and a senior man with a folksy styl […]

  •  16 January 2021 |

    The events happening in Washington DC are disturbing for all democracies. And particularly disturbing for world wide Christians. For quite a few years now, the media have focussed on a narrative that there is only one Christian view and to be a Christian means certain political allegiances. No matter that Christianity has also contained […]

  •  9 January 2021 |

    The great leader Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt in an act of liberation. The people had been slaves to the Egyptians and in the biblical book Exodus we read what a struggle Moses had to convince his people that going out into the wilderness was the right thing to do. The people wanted to return all the time to what they […]

  •  1 January 2021 |

    On behalf of Redhill URC, I wish you all a very safe and bright New Year. For many 2020 will be remembered as the year we want to forget, isolated and without the support and care of loved ones. We hope 2021 will bring a return to some normality but also give us an opportunity to learn from this past year: to review how we care for one a […]