Redhill URC
As we approach the end of this difficult and daunting year, people are turning to Christmas. They do so as an opportunity to bring some light into their world, against the onslaught of a pandemic that has changed us all forever. Christmas cards are being sent early, trees bought and decorated, lights up and blazing. Christmas! That […]
This weekend sees the beginning of Advent and the start of the Christian year. Four weeks to think about and reflect on the meaning of the Christ child for ourselves and for the world. For many, this time is a period of busy preparations for Christmas – getting the tree out of the cupboard, setting it up and decorating it with baubles […]
With the threat of the Coronavirus affecting large numbers in our communities, this week has seen a focus on other, sometimes hidden, related issues facing vulnerable individuals. For many families, lockdown is a disaster. Shut up with violent siblings or parents, or partners, vulnerable people are at risk of being attacked, injured or e […]