Redhill URC

  •  14 November 2020 |

    “For everyone born, a place at the table.” The first line of Shirley Murray’s fantastic hymn. At Christ’s table no one is refused a place!

    Food is a key ingredient to Christianity, as with most religions. Food: sustaining, celebratory and building of community. Food. Jesus on his last evening together with his disciples invite […]

  •  7 November 2020 |

    Jesus said, in John’s Gospel: “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one”. There is a slight ambiguity about the word ‘all’ but generally people believe Jesus is referring to Christians. Given that even this is not easy, for me it is still limiting. I believe that Christianity has […]

  •  31 October 2020 |

    While death is a taboo topic among many, Halloween is ‘alive and well’ in the community. With restrictions in place, the usual tour by children of the neighbourhood may not happen this year but there will be large numbers still marking the day. The Christian Church also thinks about those who have died especi […]

  •  24 October 2020 |

    When those around Jesus, tried to stop a child getting close to the Master, Jesus stepped in, picked up the child gave them a hug and told his disciples: “whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name, welcomes me!” How we care for our children is of paramount importance; and a sign of a caring community. That’s why […]

  •  21 October 2020 |

    Congratulations to Josh Sadler and his fiancée Shannon who have both achieved high accolades in their Master’s degrees. A wedding in these times is not easy but Josh and Shannon hope to arrange theirs in the near future. Josh has been offered a job at the Grange in Bookham working with people who have a disability . He has already hel […]