Redhill URC
This weekend the churches join in remembering the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War 2.
Matthew 5: 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God”
Peace loving God,on this special anniversary,your Church remembersall who have fallen in war,those who re-live war daily through injury or broken […]
Love never fails. Coronavirus impacts all of us. But love unites us all.
The present emergency is not, of course, as unusual as the media and politicians like to present. For a wealthy, developed, and mostly western, world, the changes to the way we live our lives has been challenging and upsetting. Phrases like social distancing, loc […]
The lectionary this week includes a reading from Acts 2: 42-47, illustrating how the early Christ followers ordered their lives together. This prayer speaks to their situation and to ours, connecting what they did to how we might respond through Christian Aid:
“All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would […]
Bernard Thorogood who died this week grew up at Moat during the second world war and was ordained there in 1953. I first met Bernard at a District meeting just after he had become the URC’s General Secretary in 1980. The following year, I had a summer pastorate at East Croydon Church and, while there, met the rest of Bernard’s family […]
Social isolation harms people’s mental wellbeing. One of the main reasons for Day Centres for older people is to ensure people get to see and relate to others. A game of bingo, some idle chitchat, eating with others and so on bring great changes in people especially for those who otherwise never see anyone else during their day. Equall […]