
Craft Club

This group is open to anyone with an interest in helping to produce items for sale at the Church Christmas Fayre. This involves knitting, sewing, crocheting and help is on hand for those of all skill levels. We meet on Monday evenings once a month and also enjoy a cuppa and a chat with friends in the group.

Lunch Club

We meet on most Mondays at 12.30 for lunch and fellowship in the Whitepost room. The meal consists of soup, Roll and cheese followed by a dessert. The soup and dessert are generally homemade. Anyone is welcome to attend, just turn up.

Literary Society

The Shaw’s Corner Literary Society was formed at the start of the 20th century and was known as the St Paul’s Literary Society. It changed its name to the Shaw’s Corner Literary Society following the amalgamation of our two churches. The Society now has a wide ranging programme each winter, and meets October and March each year.   For more information see Literary Society page.


We are a group of members and friends of the church who meet once a month (apart from August) normally on the second Sunday at 7.45pm. Most meetings are in member’s homes and are fairly informal. We also run the Christmas postbox where donations given are passed to a local charity. Although there is a membership anyone is welcome to attend.

Shopping Creche

The Shopping Crèche started many years ago in the old church in Chapel Road as a means for mothers to leave pre-school children while they went and shopped in Redhill. It continues now where the children can be left while the parent can go and have an hour or two to do other things. We meet during school term time between 9.15 and 11.15 am.


The 6th Reigate scout Group has Beavers (aged 6 to 8 years) Cubs (aged 8 to 10 years) Scouts (aged 10 to 14 years) and explorers (aged 14 to 18 years). We meet in church hall on Friday evening (but Mondays for the Beavers. Fore more information click here


We meet on Wednesday evenings. Brownies are girls aged seven to ten who become a member of a Six and follow a programme called the Brownie Adventure. Brownies opens up a world of exciting challenges and the opportunity to try new things and to make brilliant friends.


Rainbows are girls aged five to seven (four to seven in Northern Ireland) and follow a programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw, through which they can take part in lots of different activities with girls their own age. We meet on Thursday afternoons after school.