Author Archive

  •  1 September 2021 |

    I watched Jonnie’s Blade School this week. This was an inspiring documentary where Jonnie Peacock, the Paralympic gold medal runner, ser up a school to help 5 young amputees to face their fears, learn skills and techniques, and begin to enjoy their sports like any able-bodied youngster. In the run up to the Paralympics in Tokyo this co […]

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    Congratulations and a very happy birthday to Margaret Hick who will be celebrating her 100th birthday on 29 September. Enjoy your birthday Margaret and have a lovely day.

    Also congratulations to Lucinda Goddard, younger daughter of Julia and Kevan. Lucinda married Sean Truett on 26th August. We wish them happiness for the future.

    A […]

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    Its been quite a while since I’ve been able to hold my Macmillan Coffee Morning. There have been many friends and family that have been or share still being affected by this life changing illness dealing with its challenges are difficult enough let alone during a global pandemic. Sadly I have recently seen first hand the devastatio […]

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    As life begins to return to some sort of normality it gives us time to look forward and plan for the coming months.We hope to have a return visit of Pauline and Ian Jepps who will lead our Mission Service on Sunday 17th October at 10.30 am.This year I shall be pleased to receive your Mission boxes on the first , second Sundays in October […]

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    Dear Redhill URC friends,

    On behalf of everyone at Moat East Grinstead URC, please accept our thanks for those of you able to join us for our Anniversary Service on 8th August. It was a pleasure seeing so many of you join us for our service of celebration and then the meal there after. Thank you so much for coming. Here’s hoping we […]