Author Archive

  •  13 March 2021 |

    Traditionally known as Mothering Sunday, this weekend we celebrate mothers everywhere!

    For many children, their mothers are the best. From their first breath, babies cling to their mother and the bond is strong. Our mothers hold us tight, making sure we are protected, fed and kept clean. The warmth of their body makes sure babies feel […]

  •  6 March 2021 |

    This weekend sees the first year of Covid – we don’t need reminding, you might say. We have all struggled. The church, nearly everywhere, has also been struggling. I am aware that people have looked to the church to provide solace and care in these troubling times; if not the church then perhaps the ministers […]

  •  1 March 2021 |

    We have a special need at the moment for connection: with each other, with parts of ourselves and with God. Prayer is one way of connecting. If we choose a special time in the day to give to prayer, we may find comfort and connection. We are all troubled by where we find ourselves and we all need to give ourselves love and attention. Ple […]

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    I was so sorry to learn about David West’s death but it reminded me how he helped me so much when the Venturers at church were planning to make up gift bags. To cheer up the men who had been wounded in Afghanistan and who after being treated in a Birmingham hospital were then sent to Headley Court to recuperate . We were looking for so […]

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    Congratulations to Kevan Goddard who celebrated his 60th birthday on February 18th. We hope he had a good day despite the pandemic restrictions.