Front Page

  •  30 May 2020 |

    This weekend, the Church celebrates with thanksgiving the feast of Pentecost. Sadly not in its buildings but still church together. We remember the story set out in the Bible in the book of Acts, of the coming of the Spirit in a wild wind and in burning flames, resting on the heads of the believers assembled in Jerusalem. As the […]

  •  23 May 2020 |

    Through this weekend, churches reflect over the story in Luke when Jesus ascends to heaven. As an image today, it can be confusing as we have for some decades soared into space. In earlier days, the image of a pair of feet disappearing into the clouds was the way they expressed this story; we on the other hand, find this comical and unre […]

  •  17 May 2020 |

    As the world struggles to emerge from lockdown, the Church remembers the confusion of the disciples of Jesus as they facelife without him after the crucifixion. Jesus is dead yet risen; how is that? During his life Jesus promised his disciples that he would always be with him and after that first Easter, they knew his pres […]

  •  8 May 2020 |

    This weekend the churches join in remembering the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War 2.

    Matthew 5: 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God”

    Peace loving God,on this special anniversary,your Church remembersall who have fallen in war,those who re-live war daily through injury or broken […]

  •  3 May 2020 |

    Love never fails. Coronavirus impacts all of us. But love unites us all.

    The present emergency is not, of course, as unusual as the media and politicians like to present. For a wealthy, developed, and mostly western, world, the changes to the way we live our lives has been challenging and upsetting. Phrases like social distancing, loc […]