Front Page

  •  30 October 2021 |

    We pray this weekend for a positive and far reaching response to COP 26; may those attending, do their best to come up with an extensive commitment to save the planet.

    The start of November celebrates All Saints’ Day in many churches in the UK. It is an opportunity for believers to remember all saints and martyrs, known and unk […]

  •  21 August 2021 |

    People with disabilities don’t want special treatment. They just want to be treated like everyone else. As the Paralympics begin in the coming week, we honour and celebrate the determination and courage of those competing. In days past, any disability was seen as shameful, as punishment for sin committed. Even today, some able-bodied p […]

  •  15 August 2021 |

    After the joy of the Olympics, this week has given the world some stark news. July was earth’s hottest month ever. Ahead of the conference looking at what governments can do to cut emissions and get the world back on a course of renewal, turning the policies of generations around to reduce the climate emergency, we are warned that we d […]

  •  31 July 2021 |

    A walk on a beach, a swim in the sea – sandcastles and kiss-me-quick hats. Summer! Hot and not so hot, calm and also windy. Breakfast in the garden, or on the balcony, or in a café. Ice cream. Family time or on your own.  Holidays or stay at home. Playing in the courtyard or on the computer. Suntan lotion, swimming pools. Olympic […]

  •  24 July 2021 |

    I chose to become a minister of religion, not a policeman. But in the days of Covid, I feel sometimes that is what I have become: a policeman! Trying to keep people safe – and everyone wants the church building to be a place of safety, don’t they? – has become a difficult and lonely role. During the second world war, everyone was r […]