
  •  1 September 2021 |

    Its been quite a while since I’ve been able to hold my Macmillan Coffee Morning. There have been many friends and family that have been or share still being affected by this life changing illness dealing with its challenges are difficult enough let alone during a global pandemic. Sadly I have recently seen first hand the devastatio […]

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    As life begins to return to some sort of normality it gives us time to look forward and plan for the coming months.We hope to have a return visit of Pauline and Ian Jepps who will lead our Mission Service on Sunday 17th October at 10.30 am.This year I shall be pleased to receive your Mission boxes on the first , second Sundays in October […]

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    Dear Redhill URC friends,

    On behalf of everyone at Moat East Grinstead URC, please accept our thanks for those of you able to join us for our Anniversary Service on 8th August. It was a pleasure seeing so many of you join us for our service of celebration and then the meal there after. Thank you so much for coming. Here’s hoping we […]

  •  1 August 2021 |

    On behalf of the Finance & Property Team I am pleased to be able to tell everyone that the recent Asbestos Survey and air test samples were all negative. This indicates that it is very unlikely that there is any asbestos within the overall church buildings

    John Sinclair

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    As you will recall paper copies of the church magazine have included an envelope for readers to contribute towards the production costs. Normally these are either placed in with the offering at church services. Vic Larman has previously received contributions from people who had their magazine sent to them by post. Can I ask that in futu […]