
  •  6 February 2022 |

    Since the last magazine was issued, we have had three lectures. The first in December we had Duncan Ferns giving us an illustrated talk on the history of Buckland. The village goes back about 1,000 years and being a local subject was very popular with the audience.

    Our first lecture of the year on 10th January we heard Rhod Jones tell […]

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    This year we are making donations to the air ambulance . Any donations of money/cheques please send to our treasurer Sylvia Puttock not straight to the air ambulance. Please send contributions by the end of February after which we will forward the money to the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance.

    Thanking you in anticipation

    Sylv […]

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    A lovely photo of Margaret with her latest great grandchild Alpharia.

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    Still with a week to go before the beginning of February and on the day I write this item, I saw my first snowdrops and primroses this year. They immediately lifted my spirits. Gradually, it is noticeable the evenings are beginning to arrive a wee bit earlier than a month ago; it’s still another two weeks before sunset comes at 5 but i […]

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    The note below was in a card to the church family from Alan and Janette.

    “We are delighted to let you know that our youngest son Thomas who lives in Melbourne has become a Daddy for the first time. Tom and Nicky had a little boy Owen Baxter on 11 November and all is well. We hope it wont be too long before we can go out and visit � […]