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  •  26 March 2021 |

    My song is love unknown, my Saviour’s love to me, love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. O who am I that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die? 

    Sometimes they strew his way, and his sweet praises sing; resounding all the day hosannas to their King. Then ‘Crucify’ is all th […]

  •  20 March 2021 |

    We welcome Spring today. Most of us have already celebrated the new coming of snowdrops, crocus’s and daffodils in the gardens, by the sides of roads and in many pots on windowsills and in displays. There is nothing like the sudden brightness of colour; even the flowers seem to be saying ‘hello’. For many, […]

  •  13 March 2021 |

    Traditionally known as Mothering Sunday, this weekend we celebrate mothers everywhere!

    For many children, their mothers are the best. From their first breath, babies cling to their mother and the bond is strong. Our mothers hold us tight, making sure we are protected, fed and kept clean. The warmth of their body makes sure babies feel […]

  •  6 March 2021 |

    This weekend sees the first year of Covid – we don’t need reminding, you might say. We have all struggled. The church, nearly everywhere, has also been struggling. I am aware that people have looked to the church to provide solace and care in these troubling times; if not the church then perhaps the ministers […]

  •  27 February 2021 |

    Picking a book off a shelf in my study I came across a wonderful quote about the Bible and its ability to “speak in every language in every age”. The book is about the nature of the Bible and challenges us about the need to let the Bible speak. That’s quite an odd metaphor because for most people the Bible is a mystery, hidden behi […]