Until further notice the church buildings are closed for all events including Sunday Worship
You can follow the URC Daily Devotions including Sunday Services on their website by clicking here
Please visit our latest news by selecting one of the menus below

Morning Worship

The morning Worship will be led by Hannah Bestente

Literary Society – The Lady With the Lamp

We are pleased to have Paul Whittle with us who has given such detailed presentations in the past. Tonight he will give a presentation on the Florence Nightingale Story.

Morning Worship

The morning Worship will be led by Mr Edward Pender of Redhill Methodist Church

Morning Worship with Holy Communion

This morning Worship is lead by one of  our members, Mr Albert Read.  The service will conclude with Holy Communion.

Lunch club

We meet in the Whitepost room. The meal consists of soup, Roll and cheese followed by a dessert. The soup and dessert are generally homemade. Anyone is welcome to attend, just turn up.

Craft Club

This group is open to anyone with an interest in helping to produce items for sale at the Church Christmas Fayre. This involves knitting, sewing, crocheting and help is on hand for those of all skill levels. We meet on … Continued

Literary Society – An English History Of Freedom

We will welcome Andy Thomas who is renowned for his thought provoking and entertaining lectures across Britain and the wide world. From the rebellions of Boudicca against Roman invaders to the Peasants Revolt and the modern Poll tax riots, from … Continued

Morning Worship

Today our Worship is being lead by Mr Ian Fletcher from Horsham

Lunch Club

We meet in the Whitepost room. The meal consists of soup, Roll and cheese followed by a dessert. The soup and dessert are generally homemade. Anyone is welcome to attend, just turn up.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship today will be lead by Revd. Derek Wensley from Guildford